Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chocolate Mousse

Amazed at how many desserts are inherently gluten-free. So difficult to get a picture of it since we finish it before I can even think of taking a picture. So here's half of the last cup left. Might not be such a bad idea to use this as frosting :)

2 large eggs, separated

1 tablespoons brown sugar

3.5 oz dark chocolate

1/2 + 1/8 cups heavy cream

Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar to soft peaks. Add sugar and whisk to stiff peaks.

Melt the chocolate in a double broiler. Remove from heat. Add 1/8 cup of the cream and the egg yolks and whisk to combine.

Whisk the remaining cream to soft peaks.

Add in the melted chocolate mixture and fold gently. Add in the egg white mixture and fold gently to combine, trying not to deflate the mixture.

Scoop into glasses and refrigerate at least 2 -3 hours till set.

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